Safe Money
This section provides instructions on how you can protect your financial transactions and purchases online with Kaspersky application.
About protection of financial transactions and online purchases
To protect confidential data that you enter on websites of banks and payment systems (such as bank card numbers and passwords for online banking), as well as to prevent funds from being stolen when you make online payments, Kaspersky application prompts you to open such websites in Protected Browser. If you select the option to open the website without Protected Browser, Kaspersky application does not prompt you to open that website in Protected Browser for the next 50 minutes.
Protected Browser is a special browser operating mode designed to protect your data as you access bank or payment system websites. Protected Browser is started in an isolated environment to prevent other applications from injecting their code into the process of Protected Browser. Kaspersky application creates special profiles for the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers to prevent third-party add-ons from affecting the operation of Protected Browser. The application does not affect your data that the browsers may save in the profiles created for them.
When you first open the Protected Browser, you will be prompted to copy data, settings, and plug-ins from your main browser. After completing the data migration, Kaspersky application will not keep your main browser and Protected Browser synchronized. This means, for example, that data deleted from your main browser will persist in Protected Browser. In this case, you must take steps to delete the same data from Protected Browser.
If you are using Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer, Protected Browser is opened in a new window.
The application uses the Kaspersky Protection extension to provide a number of Protected Browser functions.
Browsers that do not meet the software requirements cannot operate in Protected Browser mode. Instead of such browsers, either Chromium-based Microsoft Edge or another browser configured in application settings starts in Protected Browser mode.
It is impossible to run Protected Browser under the following conditions:
- The Enable Self-Defense check box is cleared in the Self-Defense settings window, Security settings → Self-Defense section.
- JavaScript is disabled in the browser.
Running Protected Browser in Yandex Browser
Kaspersky application supports securing your financial transactions in Yandex Browser with some limitations. To run Protected Browser, the application injects a special script into the web page (and traffic). The Kaspersky Protection extension is not available. The Private Browsing and Anti-Banner components operate but cannot be configured in Yandex Browser.
Protected Browser capabilities
In Protected Browser mode, the application provides protection against the following types of threats:
- Untrusted modules. The application runs a check for untrusted modules every time you visit a bank or payment system website.
- Rootkits. The application scans for rootkits at Protected Browser startup.
- Invalid certificates of bank or payment system websites. The application checks certificates when you visit a bank or payment system website. The check is performed against a database of compromised certificates.
Protected Browser status
When you open a website in Protected Browser, a frame appears on the borders of the browser window. The color of the frame indicates the protection status.
The frame and the information bar at the bottom of the browser window can display the following color indications:
- Green frame. Indicates successful completion of all checks. You can continue using Protected Browser. If you still have any problems, click the Report a problem button on the information bar.
- Yellow frame. Indicates that checks have revealed security problems that need to be resolved or some protection components are turned off. The list of security issues will be displayed at the bottom right corner of the browser window. You can perform suggested actions or close these notifications.
The application can detect the following threats and security problems:
- Untrusted module. Computer scanning and disinfection is required.
- Rootkit. Computer scanning and disinfection is required.
- Invalid certificate of a bank or payment system website.
- Self-Defense is turned off.
If you do not eliminate the threats detected, the security of the bank or payment system website connection session is not guaranteed. Events involving the launch and use of Protected Browser with reduced protection are recorded in the Windows event log.
The following protection components can be turned off:
- System Watcher
- Network Attack Blocker
- Safe Browsing
- Red frame. Indicates that File Anti-Virus is turned off. A warning message will appear at the bottom right corner of the browser window. You can turn on File Anti-Virus or close the warning.
About protection against screenshots
To protect your data when you browse protected websites, Kaspersky application prevents spyware from taking unauthorized screenshots. Protection against screenshots is enabled by default. Protection against screenshots is running even if hardware virtualization is disabled.
About clipboard data protection
Kaspersky application blocks unauthorized access by applications to the clipboard when you make online payments, thus preventing theft of data by criminals. Such blocking is active only if an untrusted application attempts to obtain unauthorized access to your clipboard. If you copy data manually from the window of an application to another application's window (for example, from Notepad to a text editor window), access to clipboard is allowed.
Clipboard protection is not running if hardware virtualization is disabled on your computer.
If Protected Browser is started under the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, Kaspersky application will block interaction of Universal Windows applications with the clipboard.
How to change Safe Money settings
To configure Safe Money:
- Open the main application window.
- Click
in the lower part of the main window.
This opens the Settings window.
- Select the Privacy settings section.
- Click the Safe Money button.
The window displays the settings of the Safe Money component.
- Enable Safe Money by clicking the switch in the upper part of the window.
- In the On first access to websites of banks and payment systems section, select the action to be performed by the application when you first open a bank or payment system website in your browser:
- Select Run Protected Browser if you want the application to open the website in Protected Browser.
- Select Ask user if you want the application to ask you whether or not you want to open the website in Protected Browser when you visit the website.
- Select Do not run Protected Browser if you want the application not to open the website in Protected Browser.
- In the Additional section, open the To proceed to websites from the Safe Money window, use drop-down list and select the browser that the application will run in Protected Browser mode when you visit a bank or payment system website from the Safe Money window.
You can select one of the browsers installed on your computer or use the default browser of the operating system.
How to configure Safe Money for a specific website
To configure Safe Money for a specific website:
- Open the main application window.
- Go to the Privacy section.
- Select the Safe Money section, and click the View websites button.
This opens the Safe Money window.
- Click the Add website to Safe Money link to open fields for adding the website information.
- In the Website for Safe Money (URL) field, enter the web address of the website that you want to open in Protected Browser.
A website address must be preceded by the prefix for the HTTPS protocol (for example,, which is used by default by Protected Browser.
- Select the action that you want Protected Browser to perform when you open the website:
- If you want the website to open in Protected Browser every time you visit it, select Run Protected Browser.
- If you want Kaspersky application to prompt you for an action when the website is opened, select Ask user.
- If you want to disable Safe Money for the website, select Do not run Protected Browser.
- Click the Add description link to open the Description field and enter the name or description of this website.
- Click the Add button.
The website will be displayed in the list.
How to send feedback on Safe Money
You can send to Kaspersky your feedback on the operation of the Safe Money component or report a problem in this component.
If Kaspersky application fails to send your feedback (for example, Internet connection is not available), this feedback is saved to your computer. Feedback is stored openly for 30 days.
You can send feedback on the operation of the Safe Money component up to 10 times per day.
You can also send feedback after the Safe Money component is disabled. After the component is disabled, you can send feedback once per month.
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