Kaspersky Basic | Standard | Plus | Premium
[Topic 92436]

About Private Browsing

Available only in Kaspersky Plus and Kaspersky Premium.

Some websites use tracking services to collect information about your Internet activities. This information is then analyzed and used for the purpose of showing you ads.

The Private Browsing component is designed to prevent the collection of information about your online activity.

In detection mode, the Private Browsing component detects and counts attempts to collect data and writes this information in a report. Detection mode is enabled by default, and data collection is allowed on all websites.

In blocking mode, the Private Browsing component detects and blocks attempts to collect data, and information about these attempts are written in a report. In this mode, data collection is blocked on all websites except:

  • by websites added to exclusions
  • by websites of Kaspersky and its partners
  • by websites that may be rendered inoperable as a result of tracking services being blocked, according to information available to Kaspersky

The counter of blocked attempts to collect data displays the total number of blockings across the entire site depending on how many site pages are open in the browser. If one page is open in the browser, only blocked attempts to collect data on this page of the site are counted. If several pages of the same site are open in the browser, the blocked attempts to collect data on all pages of the site opened in the browser are counted.

You can manage the Private Browsing component via the Kaspersky application interface or with the help of the Kaspersky Protection extension in your browser.

Private Browsing has the following limitations:

  • The application does not block data collection by the tracking service of the "Social networks" category while you are on the website of the relevant social network.
  • If the web page from which the data collection attempt originated could not be determined, the Kaspersky application does not block this data collection attempt and does not display information about it.
  • If the web page from which the data collection attempt originated could be determined but could not be matched to any web page currently open in the browser, the Kaspersky application applies the action specified in the Private Browsing settings (blocks or allows data collection). The application displays information about the data collection attempt in reports but does not include this information in the Private Browsing statistics displayed in the browser.
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[Topic 93724]

Blocking data collection

To block data collection:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Privacy section.
  3. Select the Private Browsing component, and click the Settings 2019.png icon.

    The Private Browsing settings window opens.

  4. If the component is disabled, enable it by setting the toggle in the upper part of the window to On.
  5. Select Block data collection.

    The Kaspersky application will block data collection attempts on all websites except exclusions.

  6. If you want to block or allow data collection based on the categories of tracking services:
    1. Click the Categories and exclusions link to open the Categories and exclusions window.
    2. By default, data collection is blocked for all categories of tracking services and all social networks. Clear the check boxes opposite the categories of tracking services and social networks for which you want to allow data collection.
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[Topic 93505]

Allowing data collection on all websites

To allow data collection on all websites:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Privacy section.
  3. Select the Private Browsing component, and click the Settings 2019.png icon.

    The Private Browsing settings window opens.

  4. If the component is disabled, enable it by setting the toggle in the upper part of the window to On.
  5. Select the Only gather statistics option.

    The Kaspersky application detects and counts attempts to track your online activity without blocking them. You can view the results of the component's operation in the report.

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[Topic 129231]

Allowing data collection as an exclusion

You can allow tracking of your activity on specific websites as an exclusion.

To allow data collection as an exclusion:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Privacy section.
  3. Select the Private Browsing component, and click the Settings 2019.png icon.

    The Private Browsing settings window opens.

  4. If the component is disabled, enable it by setting the toggle in the upper part of the window to On.
  5. Select Block data collection.

    The Kaspersky application will block data collection attempts on all websites except exclusions.

  6. By default, there is an exclusion to allow data collection on the websites of Kaspersky and its partners. If you want to block data collection on these websites, clear the Allow data collection on the websites of Kaspersky and its partners check box.
  7. By default, there is an exclusion to allow data collection on websites that may be rendered inoperable as a result of data collection being blocked, according to information available to Kaspersky. If you want to block data collection on these websites, clear the Allow data collection on incompatible websites check box.

    Kaspersky updates the list of incompatible websites as compatibility issues are resolved.

  8. If you want to specify your own exclusions:
    1. Click the Categories and exclusions link to open the Categories and exclusions window.
    2. Click the Exclusions link to open the Private Browsing exclusions window.
    3. Click the Add button.
    4. In the window that opens, enter the address of the website on which you want to allow activity tracking, and click the Add button.

      The specified website is added to the list of exclusions.

You can also allow data collection on a chosen website while it is open in the browser.

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[Topic 93506]

Viewing a report on attempts to collect your data on the Internet

To view a report on attempts to collect your data on the Internet:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Privacy section.
  3. Select the Private Browsing component, and click the Settings 2019.png icon.

    The Private Browsing settings window opens.

    If the component is disabled, enable it by setting the toggle in the upper part of the window to On.

The window displays a consolidated report with information about attempts to collect data on your online activity.

You can also view the report on data collection attempts in a browser or in the application performance report.

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[Topic 93501]

Managing the Private Browsing component in a browser

You can manage the Private Browsing component directly in the browser:

  • Enable the component if it is disabled;
  • View statistics on detected attempts to collect data;
  • Go to the Private Browsing settings window;
  • Block or allow data collection.

To manage the Private Browsing component in the browser,

Click the Kaspersky Protection Kaspersky Protection button on the browser toolbar.

The menu that opens shows information about the operation of the component and the component controls.

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[Topic 93503]