Private Browsing Categories and exclusions
If the check box is selected, the Private Browsing component blocks web analytics services that use activity tracking to analyze your online activity.
Clicking the View list link opens a window with a list of web analytics services that use activity tracking to analyze your online activity.
If the check box is selected, the Private Browsing component blocks tracking of your online activity by ad agencies for advertising purposes.
Clicking the View list link opens a window with a list of ad agencies that track your online activity for advertising purposes.
If the check box is selected, the Private Browsing component blocks tracking of your online activity by means of web beacons. Web beacons are objects that are embedded into web pages and invisible to users.
Clicking the View list link opens a window with the list of web beacons.
If the check box is selected, the Private Browsing component blocks data collection when you visit social networks except for data collection performed by these social networks. Blocking of data collection does not prevent you from using the "Like", "+1" and similar functions.
Check boxes with the names of social networks let you specify the social networks on whose websites the application should block data collection.
Clicking this link opens a window where you can specify the websites on which tracking of your online activity is allowed.
Use these settings for the following tasks |