Mail Anti-Virus settings
Settings |
Description |
Security level |
The Kaspersky application uses various groups of settings to run Mail Anti-Virus. The sets of settings that are stored in the application are called security levels:
Action on threat detection |
Protection scope |
The Protection scope includes objects that the component checks when it is run: incoming and outgoing messages or incoming messages only. In order to protect your computers, you need only scan incoming messages. You can turn on scanning for outgoing messages to prevent infected files from being sent in archives. You can also turn on the scanning of outgoing messages if you want to prevent files in particular formats from being sent, such as audio and video files, for example. |
Scan POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP traffic |
This check box enables/disables the scanning by Mail Anti-Virus of mail traffic that is sent over the POP3, SMTP, NNTP and IMAP protocols. |
Connect Microsoft Outlook extension
If the check box is selected, email messages transmitted via the POP3, SMTP, NNTP, and IMAP protocols will be scanned using the extension that is integrated into Microsoft Outlook. If email is scanned using the extension for Microsoft Outlook, it is recommended to use Cached Exchange Mode. You can find more details about the Cached Exchange Mode and recommendations for how to use it in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. |
Heuristic analysis |
A technique for detecting threats that cannot be identified using the current version of the Kaspersky application databases. It allows you to find files that may contain unknown malware or a new modification of a known malware program. When scanning files for malicious code, the heuristic analyzer executes instructions in the executable files. The number of instructions that are executed by the heuristic analyzer depends on the level that is specified for the heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analysis level sets the balance between the thoroughness of searches for new threats, the load on the operating system resources, and the time required for heuristic analysis. |
Scan attached files of Microsoft Office formats |
Scans Microsoft Office files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPT and other Microsoft extensions). Office format files also include OLE objects. |
Scan attached archives |
Scan ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, RAR, TAR, ARJ, CAB, LHA, JAR, ICE and other archives. The application scans archives not only by their extension, but by their format as well. When checking archives, the application performs a recursive unpacking. This allows to detect threats inside multi-level archives (archive within an archive). |
Do not scan archives larger than |
If this check box is selected, Mail Anti-Virus excludes archives that are attached to mail messages from scanning if their size exceeds the value that you have specified. If the check box is cleared, Mail Anti-Virus scans archives of any size that are attached to mail messages. |
Limit the time for checking archives to |
If the check box is selected, then the amount of time that is needed to scan archives that are attached to mail messages will be limited to the specified period. |
Attachment filter |
The attachment filter does not work for outgoing mail messages. Disable filtering. If you select this option, Mail Anti-Virus will not filter files that are attached to mail messages. Rename attachments of selected types. If you select this option, Mail Anti-Virus will replace the last extension character found in the attached files of the specified types with the underscore character (for example, attachment.doc_). Thus, in order to open the file, the user must rename the file. Delete attachments of selected types. If you select this option, Mail Anti-Virus will delete files of the specified types that are attached to mail messages. You can specify the types of attached files that you must rename or delete from Email messages in the file mask list. |