Configuring updates of anti-malware databases on Windows devices and Mac devices

To configure updates of anti-malware databases on Windows devices or Mac devices:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. Select the Settings section.

    The General settings of Kaspersky Next page is displayed.

  3. Click the Settings link in the Anti-malware database update settings section.

    The Anti-malware database update settings page opens.

  4. On the Anti-malware database update settings page, click the Windows or Mac button, depending on the operating system of the devices for which you want to configure the anti-malware database updates.

    By default, the Windows button is selected.

  5. In the Anti-malware database update mode section, select an update mode:
    • At the security application startup.

      The update starts automatically after the application starts on the user's Windows device or Mac device.

      If you have selected this option for Windows devices, in the "At the security application startup" mode settings section, specify the time interval that must elapse after application startup before updates begin to be downloaded. By default, the security application starts when the device is turned on and immediately begins updating the anti-malware databases. For more flexible use of resources on the device, you can postpone the update of anti-malware databases to a later time.

    • By schedule.

      The update starts automatically on a schedule you set up. If you have selected this option, in the "By schedule" mode settings section, set up a schedule for updates to start.

      This option is selected by default.

    • Manually.

      Users manually start the update on their device. In this case, device users choose the frequency and time of anti-malware database updates on their own.

      If your users should be able to manually run database updates on Windows devices, allow them to manage tasks in the local interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. To do this:

      1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
      2. Select the Security managementSecurity profiles section.

        The Security profiles section contains a list of security profiles configured in Kaspersky Next.

      3. In the list, select the necessary security profile.

        The security profile properties window displays settings available for all devices.

      4. In the Windows group, select the Advanced section.
      5. Click the Settings link in the Interaction with end users section.
      6. Set the toggle switch to Running malware scan and update tasks is allowed.
  6. In the Advanced settings of anti-malware database update section, define the following settings:
    • Run skipped tasks.

      Select this check box to download missed updates on devices that were turned off or inaccessible at the time the scheduled update started. The update starts immediately after the cause for the missed anti-malware database updates on the device has been eliminated.

      This check box is cleared by default.

    • Automatically determine interval to randomize the task start time.

      Select this check box to run the anti-malware database update on devices at random within a specified time interval, instead of running it according to a precise schedule. If the check box is selected, the distributed start interval is calculated automatically when the task is created, depending on the number of Windows devices or Mac devices to which the task is assigned.

      This check box is selected by default.

      You can change the distributed start interval by clearing the Automatically determine interval to randomize the task start time check box, and then selecting the Randomize the task start with interval (min) check box. The distributed task start allows you to avoid a large number of simultaneous requests by Windows devices or Mac devices to Kaspersky Next when a task is started. By default, the Randomize the task start with interval (min) check box is cleared.

    • Stop if the task is taking longer than (min).

      This setting is relevant only for Windows devices. Select this check box to limit the time interval for updating anti-malware databases on the Windows device. You can set the limit for updating anti-malware databases on the Windows device within an interval from 1 minute to 999 minutes. If the update duration limit is exceeded, the database update will be forced to stop.

      This check box is cleared by default.

  7. Click the Save button in the bottom part of the Anti-malware database update settings page.

The anti-malware database update on Windows devices and Mac devices will be performed in accordance with the specified settings.

If necessary, you can also manually start and stop updates of anti-malware databases on Windows devices and Mac devices.

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