Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert

About Kaspersky Security Network

Kaspersky Security Network (also referred to as KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software.

For more detailed information about sending the Kaspersky statistical information that is generated during participation in KSN, and about the storage and destruction of such information, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and the Kaspersky website.

KSN Infrastructure

Kaspersky Security Network has the following infrastructural solutions:

  • Global KSN is the solution that is used by most Kaspersky applications. KSN participants receive information from Kaspersky Security Network and send Kaspersky information about objects detected on the user's computer to be analyzed additionally by Kaspersky analysts, and to be included in the reputation and statistical databases of Kaspersky Security Network.
  • KPSN (Kaspersky Private Security Network) is a solution that enables users of computers hosting Kaspersky applications to obtain access to the reputation databases of Kaspersky Security Network and to other statistical data, without sending data to KSN from their own computers. KPSN is designed for corporate customers who are unable to participate in Kaspersky Security Network for any of the following reasons:
    • Local workstations are not connected to the internet.
    • Transmission of any data outside the country or outside the corporate LAN is prohibited by law or restricted by corporate security policies.

To operate Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert, it is required to use KPSN. KPSN is configured automatically in Kaspersky Security Center during the activation of the Kaspersky EDR Expert solution.

For details on configuring Kaspersky Security Network, see Kaspersky Security Center documentation.