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How to make a screen recording if you face a problem with an application

If you encounter a problem with the application, you can make a screen recording and traces and send them to Customer Service for analysis.

When screen recording is on, pop-up notifications are not displayed.

To make screen recording and traces:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Click Support button in the lower part of the window.

    This opens the Customer Service window.

  3. Click the Problem recording link to open the Problem recording window.

    To open the Problem recording window, you will need a system administrator account.

  4. Select an error category:
    • Error with running the app. Select this option if the application suddenly stops working, does not respond, or reports a failure.
    • Error while downloading data from the internet. Select this option if the application blocks access to the website or the website is not displayed correctly.
    • Activation error. Select this option if you cannot activate a subscription in the application.
    • Other. Select this option if there is no category for your problem.
  5. Select the Record the screen check box. When the check box Record the screen is not selected, clicking Start recording only creates a trace file (a service file with information about the application operation).

    The Use DirectX for screen recording option is selected by default. If the recorded video does not display certain windows (for example, the application window), or if you encounter any other issues with the video, try to disable this option.

  6. Select the Run the Kaspersky Get System Information tool after a problem has been recorded check box and/or Record low level tracing (optional) check box if you were asked to do so by a Customer Service expert.
  7. Click the Start recording button.

    The recording indicator is displayed in the upper part of the screen.

  8. Perform actions that demonstrate the problem you are having.
  9. Click the Stop and save button.

    Recording is stopped and saved in an archive on Desktop. To access the archive, you will need an Administrator account. In Windows 11, you may need to add specific user privileges to open an archive.

  10. Click the Go to archive button.

    This opens an Explorer window at the location of the ZIP archive. The archive contains a screen recording (if it was performed) and traces.

  11. Send the archive to the communication channel specified by the Customer Service expert.
  12. If you want to delete all system data, reports, and trace events, click Delete all service data and reports.

If your instance of Kaspersky application fails to start, you can run the troubleshoot.exe tool from the application's installation folder to record the problem. The tool provides the same options as the problem recording window within Kaspersky application.