Kaspersky Basic | Standard | Plus | Premium

How to disable notifications when devices connect to my network

To disable notifications when devices connect to the network:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Go to the Privacy block, and click the Details button in the Devices on My Network section.
    • In the main application window, click the Details button in the Devices on My Network section.
    • Click the <network name> link that is displayed in the lower part of the main window.
  3. In the Devices on My Network window, click the dots button next to the network and select the item Disable notifications.

The Kaspersky application will no longer show you notifications if any devices connect to this network.

You can also disable notifications for the selected network when the Kaspersky application shows you a notification that a device has connected to this network. To do this, in the notification window click the link Disable notifications for this network.