Managing objects in Storage and quarantine

Storage is used for storing files that must be sent for scanning as well as files obtained as a result of running tasks: Get file, Restore file from quarantine, Get forensics, Get NTFS metafiles, Get registry key, Get process memory dump.

Storage is located on the Central Node server.

You can manage objects in Storage as follows: delete, download, upload, and send objects to be scanned, and filter lists of objects.

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform displays the objects in Storage as a table of objects.

If you are using the distributed solution and multitenancy mode, Storage is located on PCN and SCN servers. The web interface of the PCN server displays information about Storage of all connected SCNs for those tenants to which the user has access.

Users with the Senior security officer role can place copies of objects into Storage using tasks or by uploading the object to Storage using the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform web interface on the PCN or SCN server that is used for managing tenants to which the user has access.

Users with the Security officer role can only work with files received as part of tasks that the same user created on the PCN or SCN server which is used to manage tenants to which the user has access.

If you consider a file threatening, you can quarantine it on the computer with the Endpoint Agent component. Metadata of the quarantined file are displayed in the Storage section, Quarantine subsection of the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform web interface.

Quarantine on a Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server is an area of Storage of the server part of the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform solution, which is used for storing metadata of objects quarantined on Endpoint Agent computer, in the Storage section, Quarantine subsection of the web interface of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform.

You can manage quarantined objects: restore objects from quarantine and upload copies of objects quarantined on Endpoint Agent computers to Storage of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform.

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform displays the information about quarantined objects as a table.

The maximum capacity of Storage is determined when configuring the sizing of the application. As soon as this threshold value is exceeded, the application starts to remove the oldest copies of objects from Storage. When the amount of occupied space is again below the threshold value, the application stops removing copies of objects from Storage.

The actual size of the object can be greater than the apparent size of the object due to the metadata required to restore the object from quarantine. When an object is quarantined, its actual size is considered. Encrypted files may be sent in decrypted form (depending on encryption settings), compressed files are sent as-is.

In this section

Viewing the table of objects that were placed in Storage

Viewing information about an object manually placed in Storage using the web interface

Viewing information about an object placed in Storage by a get file task

Viewing information about an object placed in Storage by a get data task

Downloading objects from Storage

Uploading objects to Storage

Sending objects in Storage for scanning

Deleting objects from Storage

Filtering objects in Storage by object type

Filtering objects in Storage by object description

Filtering objects in Storage based on scan results

Filtering objects in Storage based on the name of Central Node, PCN, or SCN server

Filtering objects in Storage by object source

Filtering objects based on the time they were placed in Storage

Clearing a Storage objects filter

Viewing the table of objects quarantined on computers with the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent component

Viewing information about a quarantined object

Restoring an object from quarantine

Obtaining a copy of a quarantined object on a Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server

Removing information about the quarantined object from the table

Filtering information about quarantined objects by object type

Filtering information about quarantined objects by object description

Filtering information about quarantined objects by host name

Filtering information about quarantined objects by time

Resetting the filter for information about quarantined objects

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