The tasks table contains a list of created tasks and is in the Tasks section of the application web interface window. You can view all tasks or only tasks created by you (current user).
You can show or hide tasks created by you using the Only mine toggle switch in the upper right corner of the window. The display of tasks created by the current user is enabled by default.
The tasks table contains the following information:
Time—Task creation date and time.
Type is the type of the task depending on the operating mode of the application and the server on which the task was created.
Tasks may be one of the following types:
Global—Created on the PCN server. These tasks apply to hosts that are connected to this PCN server and to all SCN servers that are connected to this PCN server. Tasks belong to the tenant for which the user is managing the program using the web interface.
Local—Created on the SCN server. These tasks apply only to hosts that are connected to this SCN server. Tasks belong to the tenant for which the user is managing the program using the web interface.
Name—Task name.
Clicking the link with the name of the task type opens a list in which you can select one of the following actions:
Filter by this value.
Exclude from filter.
Copy value to clipboard.
Details—full path to the file or data stream for which the task was created, or the path to a shared network resource.
Clicking the link containing information about the path to the file or data stream opens a list in which you can select one of the following actions:
Filter by this value.
Exclude from filter.
Copy value to clipboard.
Servers—Name of the server with the PCN or SCN role on which the task is being run.
Operation mode in which Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform is used to protect the infrastructure of multiple organizations or branch offices of the same organization simultaneously.
Two-level hierarchy of servers with Central Node components installed. This hierarchy allocates a primary control server (Primary Central Node (PCN)) and secondary servers (Secondary Central Nodes (SCN)).
Hosts—Name of the host on which the task is run.
This field is displayed only if you are using a standalone Central Node server.
Created by—Name of the user who created the task.
If only tasks created by the current user are displayed, this column is not displayed.