Creating a report delivery

You can create a maximum of 10 report deliveries per workspace.

To create a regular delivery of reports by email:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. Select the Information panel section.
  3. Select the Reports tab.
  4. Click the Report deliveries link.

    The Deliveries of reports by email window opens. The window displays the list of the report deliveries that you have configured.

  5. Click the Add delivery button.

    The New report delivery window opens.

  6. If you are creating the first report delivery in your workspace, a disclaimer is displayed at the top of the window. Carefully read the information in this disclaimer and make sure that you understand the risk of sending reports by email.
  7. If you want to disable report delivery, set the toggle switch to Delivery is disabled. In this case, reports will not be sent according to the delivery settings. Later, you will be able to enable report delivery.

    By default, report delivery is enabled.

  8. In the Delivery name field, specify the name of the new report delivery.

    By default, the first report delivery is named "Delivery"; and all other report deliveries are named "Delivery (N)", where N is a sequential number.

    You can enter a maximum of 100 characters.

  9. If you want, change the default values in the From and Subject fields.

    In these fields, you can type uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and whitespaces, up to 100 characters.

  10. Specify the reports that you want to send:
    1. Click the Settings link below No reports yet.

      The Reports to send window opens.

    2. In the Format list, select the format that you want to send the reports in: CSV or PDF, or both.
    3. In the Language drop-down list, select the language in which you want to send reports.

      By default, your current language in Management Console is selected.

    4. Under List of reports, select the check boxes next to the required reports.

      In one report delivery, you can have a maximum of 20 attachments. The number of attachments is the number of reports multiplied by the number of formats. This means that if you selected both formats, you cannot select more than ten reports.

    5. Click OK to close the Reports to send window.
  11. Specify the recipients to whom you want to send the selected reports:
    1. Click the Settings link below No recipients yet.

      The Recipients window opens. This window displays the list of all user accounts that have been added to Kaspersky Next.

    2. Under List of recipients, select the accounts of the required users.

      In one report delivery, you can select a maximum of 24 recipients.

    3. Click OK to close the Recipients window.
  12. Specify the schedule for sending the reports:
    1. Click the Settings link below Schedule.

      The Schedule window opens.

    2. In the Schedule drop-down list, select the schedule: Every day, Every week, or Every month.
    3. If the selected schedule is Every week, select the required value in the Day of week drop-down list.

      If the selected schedule is Every month, select the required value in the Day of month drop-down list.

    4. In the Time and Time zone fields, specify the required values.

      By default, the time zone of your current device is selected.

    5. Click OK to close the Schedule window.
  13. Click the Apply button to save the report delivery.

    You cannot add the same report to several deliveries if the start time in those deliveries differs by less than one hour. If Kaspersky Next displays the relevant message, please change either the start time or the set of reports.

The new report delivery is displayed in the list in the Deliveries of reports by email window. You can now enable or disable the new delivery, modify its settings, or delete the delivery.

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