Enabling encryption of devices running macOS

The actual encryption of protected devices starts only after you complete the procedure described in this section.

To enable encryption of devices running macOS:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. Select the Security managementEncryption section.

    The displayed Using encryption on devices window allows you to enable and disable encryption in security profiles, and to go to the list of reports.

  3. Click the Enable encryption for macOS button.

    The button is available only if there is at least one security profile in which encryption of devices running macOS has not been enabled yet.

    The Enable Encryption Management for devices running macOS window opens.

  4. Select the check boxes next to the names of the security profiles in which you want to enable encryption.

    The list contains only those security profiles in which encryption has not been enabled yet.

  5. Click the Enable Encryption Management button.
  6. If you want to turn on the encryption module without sending the actual command to encrypt your users' devices, select the Decrypt devices option.

    By default, the Encrypt devices option is selected.

  7. Click Next to continue.
  8. Check the list of security profiles in which you want to enable encryption, and the encryption settings that you defined.
  9. Click the Apply button.

Encryption is enabled in the selected security profiles with the defined settings.

Later, if necessary, you can edit encryption settings in each security profile separately.

The encryption and decryption of devices may take a long time. You can use the Encryption status of devices report to see the current encryption status.

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