
This command is declared in the file /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/toolchain/share/cmake/Modules/platform/nk2.cmake.

add_nk_idl(NAME IDL_FILE ...)

This command creates a CMake target for generating a *.idl.cpp.h header file for a defined IDL file using the nkppmeta compiler. The command also creates a library containing the transport code for the defined interface. To link to this library, use the bind_nk_targets() command.

The generated header files contain a C++ representation for the interface and data types described in the IDL file, and the methods required for use of proxy objects and stubs.


Example call:

add_nk_idl (ANIMAL_IDL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/Animal.idl"

NK_MODULE "example"


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