Mic security model create rule

create { source : <Sid>

, target : <Sid>

, container : <Sid | ()>

, driver : <Sid>

, level : <Level | ... | ()>


Assign the specified integrity level to the target resource in the following situation:

If the container field has the value (), the target resource is considered to be the root resource, which means that it has no container.

To define the integrity level, values of the Level type are used:

type Level = LevelFull | LevelNoCategory

type LevelFull =

{ degree : Text | ()

, categories : List<Text> | ()


type LevelNoCategory = Text

The rule returns the "granted" result if a specific integrity level was assigned to the target resource.

The rule returns the "denied" result in the following cases:


/* A server of the updater.Realmserv class will be allowed to respond to

* queries of any client in the solution calling the resolve method

* of the realm.Reader endpoint if the resource whose creation is requested

* by the client will be assigned the LOW integrity level during response initiation.

* Otherwise a server of the updater.Realmserv class will be prohibited from responding to

* queries of any client calling the resolve method of the realm.Reader endpoint. */

response src=updater.Realmserv,

endpoint=realm.Reader {

match method=resolve {

mic.create { source : dst_sid

, target : message.handle.handle

, container : ()

, driver : src_sid

, level : "LOW"




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