General information about a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy description

In simplified terms, a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy description consists of bindings that associate descriptions of security events with calls of methods provided by security model objects. A security model object is an instance of a class whose definition is a formal description of a security model (in a PSL file). Formal descriptions of security models contain signatures of methods of security models that determine the permissibility of interactions between different processes and between processes and the KasperskyOS kernel. These methods are divided into two types:

A security model object provides methods that are specific to one security model and stores the parameters used by these methods (for example, the initial state of a finite-state machine or the size of a container for specific data). The same object can be used to work with multiple resources. (In other words, you do not need to create a separate object for each resource.) However, the security contexts of these resources will be independent of each other. Likewise, multiple objects of one or more different security models can be used to work with the same resource. In this case, different objects will use the security context of the same resource without any reciprocal influence.

Security events serve as signals indicating the initiation of interaction between different processes and between processes and the KasperskyOS kernel. Security events include the following events:

Security events are processed by the security module.

Security models

The KasperskyOS SDK provides PSL files that describe the following security models:

Security event handling by the Kaspersky Security Module

The Kaspersky Security Module calls all methods (rules and expressions) of security models related to an occurring security event. If all rules returned the "granted" result, the security module returns the "granted" decision. If even one rule returned the "denied" result, the security module returns the "denied" decision.

If even one method related to an occurring security event cannot be correctly performed, the security module returns the "denied" decision.

If no rule is related to an occurring security event, the security module returns the "denied" decision. In other words, all interactions between solution components and between those components and the KasperskyOS kernel are denied by default (Default Deny principle) unless those interactions are explicitly allowed by the solution security policy.

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