Example of adding the system program KlogStorage to a solution to forward audit data to standard error

Source code of the program


#include <klog_storage/server.h>

#include <ping/KlogStorageEntity.edl.h>

#include <stdio.h>

/* Define the data type for a fictitious context.

* Required for defining functions that implement

* interface methods, and for dispatcher configuration. */

struct Context


int some_data;


/* Define the function that forwards audit data to

* standard error. (Use of the ctx parameter is not required, but a

* void* type parameter must be the first parameter in the function signature to

* match the type of pointer that is used by the dispatcher

* to call this function.) */

static int _write(struct Context *ctx, const struct kl_KlogStorage_Entry *entry)


fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", entry->msg);

return 0;


/* Define a fictitious function for reading audit data.

* (Required for dispatcher configuration to avoid errors

* if the interface method for reading audit data is called.) */

static int _read_range(struct Context *ctx, nk_uint64_t first_id,

nk_uint64_t last_id, struct kl_KlogStorage_Entry *entries)


return 0;


/* Define a fictitious function for reading audit data.

* (Required for dispatcher configuration to avoid errors

* if the interface method for reading audit data is called.) */

static int _read(struct Context *ctx, nk_uint32_t num_entries,

struct kl_KlogStorage_Entry *entries)


return 0;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


/* Declaration of a fictitious context */

static struct Context ctx;

/* Configure the dispatcher so that when IPC requests

* containing audit data are received from the Klog program, the dispatcher calls the function that forwards

* this data to standard error. (The functions for reading audit data

* and the context are fictitious. However, you can create your own

* implementations of the _write(), _read() and _read_range() functions for working with

* audit data storage. In this case, the context may be

* used to store the storage state.) */

struct kl_KlogStorage *iface =





struct kl_KlogStorage_component *comp =klog_storage_storage_component(iface);

/* This function call starts the IPC request processing loop.

* (The constants ping_KlogStorageEntity_klogStorage_iidOffset and

* ping_KlogStorageEntity_klogStorage_storage_iid are defined in the header file

* KlogStorageEntity.edl.h, which contains the automatically generated

* transport code.) */

return klog_storage_run(KLOG_STORAGE_SERVER_CONNECTION_ID,





Building a program


# Import KlogStorage libraries from the

# KasperskyOS SDK

find_package (klog_storage REQUIRED)

include_directories (${klog_storage_INCLUDE})

# Generate transport code based on the formal specification of the

# KlogStorage program

nk_build_edl_files (klog_storage_edl_files

NK_MODULE "ping"

# The KlogStorageEntity.edl file and other files

# in the formal specification of the KlogStorage program

# are provided in the KasperskyOS SDK.

EDL "${RESOURCES}/edl/KlogStorageEntity.edl")

# Create the executable file of the KlogStorage program

add_executable (KlogStorageEntity "src/klog_storage_entity.c")

target_link_libraries (KlogStorageEntity ${klog_storage_SERVER_LIB})

add_dependencies (KlogStorageEntity klog_edl_files klog_storage_edl_files)

Program process dictionary in the init description template



- name: ping.KlogStorageEntity


Policy description for the program



use nk.base._


use EDL kl.core.Core


use EDL ping.KlogEntity

use EDL ping.KlogStorageEntity


use audit_profile._

use core._


/* Interaction with the Klog program */

request dst=ping.KlogStorageEntity {

match endpoint=klogStorage.storage {

match method=write {

match src=ping.KlogEntity { grant () }




response src=ping.KlogStorageEntity {

match endpoint=klogStorage.storage {

match method=write {

match dst=ping.KlogEntity { grant () }




error src=ping.KlogStorageEntity {

match endpoint=klogStorage.storage {

match method=write {

match dst=ping.KlogEntity { grant () }







/* Interaction with the kernel */

request dst=kl.core.Core {

match endpoint=sync.Sync {

match method=Wake {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=Wait {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }




match endpoint=task.Task {

match method=FreeSelfEnv {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=GetPath {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=GetName {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=Exit {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }




match endpoint=vmm.VMM {

match method=Allocate {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=Commit {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=Protect {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=Free {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }




match endpoint=thread.Thread {

match method=SetTls {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=Create {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=Resume {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }




match endpoint=hal.HAL {

match method=GetEntropy {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=DebugWrite {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



match method=GetEnv {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }




match endpoint=handle.Handle {

match method=Close {


match src=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }





response src=kl.core.Core {


match dst=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }



error src=kl.core.Core {


match dst=ping.KlogStorageEntity { grant () }




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