Overview: IPC message structure

In KasperskyOS, all interactions between processes have statically defined types. The permissible structures of an IPC message are defined by the IDL descriptions of servers.

An IPC message (request and response) contains a constant part and an (optional) arena.

Constant part of an IPC message

The constant part of an IPC message contains the RIID, MID, and (optionally) fixed-size parameters of interface methods.

Fixed-size parameters are parameters that have IDL types of a fixed size.

The RIID and MID identify the interface and method being called:

The type of the constant part of the IPC message is generated by the NK compiler based on the IDL description of the interface. A separate structure is generated for each interface method. Union types are also generated for storing any request to a process, component or interface. For more details, refer to Example generation of transport methods and types.

IPC message arena

An IPC message arena (hereinafter also referred to as an arena) contains variable-size parameters of interface methods (and/or elements of these parameters).

Variable-size parameters are parameters that have IDL types of a variable size.

For more details, refer to "Working with an IPC message arena".

Maximum IPC message size

The maximum size of an IPC message is determined by the KasperskyOS kernel parameters. On most hardware platforms supported by KasperskyOS, the cumulative size of the constant part and arena of an IPC message cannot exceed 4, 8, or 16 MB.

IPC message structure verification by the security module

Prior to querying IPC message-related rules, the Kaspersky Security Module verifies that the sent IPC message is correct. Requests and responses are both validated. If the IPC message has an incorrect structure, it will be rejected without calling the security model methods associated with it.

Implementation of IPC interaction

To make it easier for a developer to implement IPC interaction, KasperskyOS Community Edition provides the following:

Implementation of simple IPC interaction is demonstrated in the echo and ping examples (/opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/examples/).

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