Using synchronization primitives (event.h, mutex.h, rwlock.h, semaphore.h, condvar.h)

The libkos library provides APIs that enable use of the following synchronization primitives:

The header files are located in the KasperskyOS SDK at sysroot-*-kos/include/kos.

The APIs are intended for synchronizing threads that belong to the same process.


An event is a synchronization primitive that is used to notify one or more threads about the fulfillment of a condition required by these threads. The notified thread waits for the event to switch from a non-signaling state to a signaling state, and the notifying thread changes the state of this event.

The standard API usage scenario for working with events includes the following steps:

  1. An event is initialized via the KosEventInit() function call.
  2. The event is used by threads:
    • The notified threads wait for the event to switch from non-signaling state to signaling state via the KosEventWait() or KosEventWaitTimeout() function call.
    • The notifying threads change the state of the event via the KosEventSet() and KosEventReset() function calls.

Information about the API event functions is provided in the table below.

event.h functions


Information about the function



Initializes an event.

The event is in a non-signaling state after it is initialized.


  • [out] event – pointer to the event. The event type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Sets the event state to signaling.


  • [out] event – pointer to the event. The event type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Sets the event state to non-signaling.


  • [out] event – pointer to the event. The event type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Waits for the event to change its state from non-signaling to signaling.


  • [in,out] event – pointer to the event. The event type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] reset – value that defines whether the event state should be changed set to non-signaling after the time-out has elapsed (rtl_true – yes, rtl_false – no). The parameter type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/rtl/stdbool.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Waits on the event to change its state from non-signaling to signaling for a period that does not exceed the specified time.


  • [in,out] event – pointer to the event. The event type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] reset – value that defines whether the event state should be changed set to non-signaling after the time-out has elapsed (rtl_true – yes, rtl_false – no). The parameter type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/rtl/stdbool.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] mdelay – time-out (in milliseconds) or INFINITE_TIMEOUT to set an unlimited time-out.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

Returns rcTimeout if the time-out has elapsed.


A mutex is a synchronization primitive that ensures mutually exclusive execution of critical sections (areas of code where resources shared between threads are queried). One thread captures the mutex and executes a critical section. Meanwhile, other threads wait for the mutex to be freed and attempt to capture this mutex to execute other critical sections. A mutex can be freed only by the specific thread that captured it. You can use a recursive mutex, which can be captured by the same thread multiple times.

The standard API usage scenario for working with mutexes includes the following steps:

  1. A mutex is initialized via the KosMutexInit() or KosMutexInitEx() function call.
  2. The mutex is used by threads:
    1. The mutex is captured via the KosMutexTryLock(), KosMutexLock() or KosMutexLockTimeout() function call.
    2. The mutex is freed via the KosMutexUnlock() function call.

Information about the API mutex functions is provided in the table below.

mutex.h functions


Information about the function



Initializes a non-recursive mutex.


  • [out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Initializes a mutex.


  • [out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] recursive – value that defines whether the mutex should be recursive (1 – yes, 0 – no).

Returned values




Acquires the mutex.

If the mutex is already acquired, returns control rather than waits for the mutex to be released.


  • [in,out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

If the mutex is already acquired, returns rcBusy.



Acquires the mutex.

If the mutex is already acquired, waits indefinitely for it to be released.


  • [in,out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Releases the mutex.


  • [in,out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Acquires the mutex.

If the mutex is already acquired, waits for it to be released for a period that does not exceed the specified time.


  • [in,out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] mdelay – time-out (in milliseconds) or INFINITE_TIMEOUT to set an unlimited time-out.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

Returns rcTimeout if the time-out has elapsed.

Read-write locks

A read-write lock is a synchronization primitive used to allow access to resources shared between threads: write access for one thread or read access for multiple threads at the same time.

The standard API usage scenario for working with read-write locks includes the following steps:

  1. A read-write lock is initialized by the KosRWLockInit() function call.
  2. The read-write lock is used by threads:
    1. The read-write lock is captured for write operations (via the KosRWLockWrite() or KosRWLockTryWrite() function call) or for read operations (via the KosRWLockRead() or KosRWLockTryRead() function call).
    2. The read-write lock is freed via the KosRWLockUnlock() function call.

Information about the API read-write lock functions is provided in the table below.

rwlock.h functions


Information about the function



Initializes a read-write lock.


  • [out] rwlock – pointer to a read-write lock. The read-write lock type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Acquires a read-write lock for reading.

If the read-write lock is already acquired for writing, or if there are threads waiting on the lock to be acquired for writing, waits indefinitely for the lock to be released.


  • [in,out] rwlock – pointer to the read-write lock. The read-write lock type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Acquires the read-write lock for reading.

If the read-write lock is already acquired for writing, or if there are threads waiting on the lock to be acquired for writing, returns control, rather than waits for the lock to be released.


  • [in,out] rwlock – pointer to the read-write lock. The read-write lock type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.



Acquires the read-write lock for writing.

If the read-write lock is already acquired for writing or reading, waits indefinitely for the lock to be released.


  • [in,out] rwlock – pointer to the read-write lock. The read-write lock type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Acquires the read-write lock for writing.

If the read-write lock is already acquired for writing or reading, returns control, rather than waits for the lock to be released.


  • [in,out] rwlock – pointer to the read-write lock. The read-write lock type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.



Releases the read-write lock.


  • [in,out] rwlock – pointer to the read-write lock. The read-write lock type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values


Additional information

If the read-write lock is acquired for reading, it remains acquired for reading until released by every reading thread.


A semaphore is a synchronization primitive that is based on a counter whose value can be atomically modified. The value of the counter normally reflects the number of available resources shared between threads. To execute a critical section, the thread waits until the counter value becomes greater than zero. If the counter value is greater than zero, it is decremented by one and the thread executes the critical section. After the critical section is executed, the thread signals the semaphore and the counter value is increased.

The standard API usage scenario for working with semaphores includes the following steps:

  1. A semaphore is initialized via the KosSemaphoreInit() function call.
  2. The semaphore is used by threads:
    1. They wait for the semaphore via the KosSemaphoreWait(), KosSemaphoreWaitTimeout() or KosSemaphoreTryWait() function call.
    2. The semaphore is signaled via the KosSemaphoreSignal() or KosSemaphoreSignalN() function call.
  3. Deallocating semaphore resources by calling the KosSemaphoreDeinit() function.

Information about the API semaphore functions is provided in the table below.

semaphore.h functions


Information about the function



Initializes a semaphore.


  • [out] semaphore – pointer to the semaphore. The semaphore type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] count – counter value.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

If the value of the count parameter exceeds the KOS_SEMAPHORE_VALUE_MAX constant, returns rcInvalidArgument. (The KOS_SEMAPHORE_VALUE_MAX constant is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.)



Deallocates semaphore resources.


  • [in] semaphore – pointer to the semaphore. The semaphore type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

If there are threads waiting on the semaphore, returns rcBusy.



Signals the semaphore and increases the counter by one.


  • [in, out] semaphore – pointer to the semaphore. The semaphore type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.



Signals the semaphore and increases the counter by the specified number.


  • [in, out] semaphore – pointer to the semaphore. The semaphore type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] n – natural number by which to increase the counter.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.



Waits on the semaphore for a period that does not exceed the specified time.


  • [in, out] semaphore – pointer to the semaphore. The semaphore type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] mdelay – semaphore time-out in milliseconds or INFINITE_TIMEOUT to set an unlimited time-out.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

Returns rcTimeout if the time-out has elapsed.



Waits on the semaphore indefinitely.


  • [in, out] semaphore – pointer to the semaphore. The semaphore type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.



Waits on the semaphore.

If the semaphore counter has a zero value, returns control, rather than waits for the semaphore counter to increase.


  • [in, out] semaphore – pointer to the semaphore. The semaphore type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

If the semaphore counter has a zero value, returns rcBusy.

Conditional variables

A conditional variable is a synchronization primitive that is used to notify one or more threads about the fulfillment of a condition required by these threads. A conditional variable is used together with a mutex. The notifying and notified threads capture a mutex to execute critical sections. During execution of a critical section, the notified thread verifies that its required condition was fulfilled (for example, the data has been prepared by the notifying thread). If the condition is fulfilled, the notified thread executes the critical section and frees the mutex. If the condition is not fulfilled, the notified thread is locked at the conditional variable and waits for the condition to be fulfilled. When this happens, the mutex is automatically freed. During execution of a critical section, the notifying thread verifies fulfillment of the condition required by the notified thread. If the condition is fulfilled, the notifying thread signals this fulfillment through the conditional variable and frees the mutex. The notified thread that was locked and waiting for the fulfillment of its required condition resumes execution of the critical section while automatically capturing the mutex. After the critical section is executed, the notified thread frees the mutex.

The standard API usage scenario for working with conditional variables includes the following steps:

  1. The conditional variable and mutex are initialized.

    To initialize a conditional variable, you need to call the KosCondvarInit() function.

  2. The conditional variable and mutex are used by threads.

Use of a conditional variable and mutex by notified threads includes the following steps:

  1. The mutex is captured.
  2. Condition fulfillment is verified.
  3. The KosCondvarWait() or KosCondvarWaitTimeout() function is called to wait for condition fulfillment.

    After the KosCondvarWait() or KosCondvarWaitTimeout() function is returned, you normally need to re-verify that the condition is fulfilled because another notified thread also received the signal and may have voided this condition again. (For example, another thread could have extracted the data prepared by the notifying thread). To do so, you need to use the following construct:


    <call of KosCondvarWait() or KosCondvarWaitTimeout()>

  4. The mutex is freed.

Use of a conditional variable and mutex by notifying threads includes the following steps:

  1. The mutex is captured.
  2. Condition fulfillment is verified.
  3. Fulfillment of the condition is signaled via the KosCondvarSignal() or KosCondvarBroadcast() function call.
  4. The mutex is freed.

Information about the API conditional variable functions is provided in the table below.

condvar.h functions


Information about the function



Initializes a conditional variable.


  • [out] condvar – pointer to the conditional variable. The conditional variable type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Waits for condition fulfillment for a period that does not exceed the specified time.


  • [in] condvar – pointer to the conditional variable. The conditional variable type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in,out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in] mdelay – condition fulfillment time-out in milliseconds, or INFINITE_TIMEOUT to set an unlimited time-out.

Returned values

Returns rcOk if successful.

Returns rcTimeout if the time-out has elapsed.



Waits indefinitely for condition fulfillment.


  • [in] condvar – pointer to the conditional variable. The conditional variable type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.
  • [in,out] mutex – pointer to the mutex. The mutex type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.



Signals condition fulfillment to one of the threads waiting for it.


  • [in, out] condvar – pointer to the conditional variable. The conditional variable type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values




Signals condition fulfillment to all threads waiting for it.


  • [in, out] condvar – pointer to the conditional variable. The conditional variable type is defined in the sysroot-*-kos/include/kos/sync_types.h header file from the KasperskyOS SDK.

Returned values


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