Including the BlobContainer system program in a KasperskyOS-based solution

If the BlobContainer program is provided in the KasperskyOS SDK, it must be included into a solution in which dynamic libraries are used. To check whether the BlobContainer program is included in the KasperskyOS SDK, you need to make sure that the sysroot-*-kos/bin/BlobContainer executable file is available.

The BlobContainer program can be included in a solution either automatically or manually. This program is automatically included in a solution by running the CMake commands build_kos_qemu_image() and build_kos_hw_image() if at least one program in the solution is linked to a dynamic library. (To disable automatic inclusion of the BlobContainer program in a solution, you need to add the NO_AUTO_BLOB_CONTAINER value to the parameters of the CMake commands build_kos_qemu_image() and build_kos_hw_image().) If programs in a solution work with dynamic libraries using only a POSIX interface (the dlopen(), dlsym(), dlerror(), and dlclose() functions), the BlobContainer program needs to be manually included in the solution.

When using the BlobContainer program, you must create IPC channels from the processes using dynamic libraries to the process of the BlobContainer program. These IPC channels can be created statically or dynamically. If a statically created IPC channel is not available, the client and server parts of the BlobContainer program attempt to dynamically create an IPC channel using the name server.

If the BlobContainer program is automatically included in a solution, the @INIT_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES@, @INIT_<program name>_ENTITY_CONNECTIONS@ and @INIT_<program name>_ENTITY_CONNECTIONS+@ macros used in the file automatically create within the init description dictionaries of IPC channels that enable static creation of IPC channels between processes of programs linked to dynamic libraries and the process of the BlobContainer program. (The process of the BlobContainer program receives the name kl.bc.BlobContainer, while the IPC channels receive the name kl.BlobContainer.) However, dictionaries of IPC channels to the BlobContainer program process are not automatically created for processes that work with dynamic libraries using only a POSIX interface. To ensure that the required IPC channels are statically created, these dictionaries must be manually created (these IPC channels must have the name kl.BlobContainer).

If the BlobContainer program is manually included in the solution and you need to statically create IPC channels from processes using dynamic libraries to the BlobContainer program process, you must manually create dictionaries of the required IPC channels in the init description. By default, the IPC channel to the BlobContainer program process has the name kl.BlobContainer. However, this name can be changed through the environment variable _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND. This variable must be defined for the BlobContainer process and for processes using dynamic libraries.

The environment variable _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND defines not only the name of statically created IPC channels to the BlobContainer program process, but also defines the endpoint name that is published on the name server and used to dynamically create IPC channels to the BlobContainer program process. This is convenient when multiple processes of the BlobContainer program are running simultaneously (for example, to isolate its own dynamic libraries from external ones), and when different processes using dynamic libraries must interact over IPC with different processes of the BlobContainer program. In this case, you need to define different values for the environment variable _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND for different processes of the BlobContainer program, and then use these values for the environment variable _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND for processes using dynamic libraries. The specific value must be selected depending on the specific process of the BlobContainer program that requires the dynamically created IPC channel.

Example use of the environment variable _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND in the file:


- name: example.BlobContainer

path: example_blob_container


- "-v"




- name: client.Client

path: client





Example use of the environment variable _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND in CMake commands:

set_target_properties (ExecMgrEntity PROPERTIES


" _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND: kl.custombc")

set_target_properties (dump_collector::entity PROPERTIES


" _BLOB_CONTAINER_BACKEND: kl.custombc")

If the BlobContainer program is being used, the VFS working with files of dynamic libraries must be a separate process. An IPC channel must also be created from the process of the BlobContainer program to the VFS process.

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