Including VFS functionality in a program

In this example, the Client program includes the VFS program functionality for working with the network stack (see the figure below).

VFS component libraries in a program

The client.c implementation file is compiled and the vfs_local, vfs_implementation and dnet_implementation libraries are linked:


project (client)

include (platform/nk)

# Set compile flags

project_header_default ("STANDARD_GNU_11:YES" "STRICT_WARNINGS:NO")

# Generates the Client.edl.h file

nk_build_edl_files (client_edl_files NK_MODULE "client" EDL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/edl/Client.edl")

add_executable (Client "src/client.c")

add_dependencies (Client client_edl_files)

# Linking with VFS libraries

target_link_libraries (Client ${vfs_LOCAL_LIB} ${vfs_IMPLEMENTATION_LIB} ${dnet_IMPLEMENTATION_LIB}

In case the Client program uses file systems, you must link the vfs_local and vfs_fs libraries, and the libraries for implementing these file systems. In this case, you must also add a block device driver to the solution.

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