platform library

The platform library contains the following commands:

When using the initialize_platform(FORCE_STATIC), project_static_executable_header_default() and platform_target_force_static() commands, you may encounter linking errors if the static variants of the required libraries are missing (for example, if they were not built or are not included in the KasperskyOS SDK). Even if the static variants of the required libraries are available, these errors may still occur because the build system searches for the dynamic variants of required libraries by default instead of the expected static variants when using the initialize_platform(FORCE_STATIC), project_static_executable_header_default() and platform_target_force_static() commands. To avoid errors, first make sure that the static variants are available. Then configure the build system to search for static libraries (although this capability may not be available for some libraries), or explicitly define linking with static libraries.

Examples of configuring the build system to search for static libraries:

set (fmt_USE_STATIC ON)

find_package (fmt REQUIRED)

set (fdn_USE_STATIC ON)

find_package (fdn REQUIRED)

set (sqlite_wrapper_USE_STATIC ON)

find_package (sqlite_wrapper REQUIRED)

Example that explicitly defines linking with a static library:

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC logger::logger-static)

For more details about using dynamic libraries, see "Using dynamic libraries".

These commands are used in CMakeLists.txt files for the Einit program and application software.

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