Starting processes using the system program ExecutionManager

The ExecutionManager component provides a C++ interface for creating, starting and stopping processes in solutions that are based on KasperskyOS.

The interface of the ExecutionManager component is not suitable for use in code that is written in C. To manage processes in the C language, use the task.h interface of the libkos library.

The ExecutionManager component API is an add-on over IPC that helps simplify the program development process. ExecutionManager is a separate system program that is accessed through IPC. However, developers are provided with a client library that eliminates the necessity of directly using IPC calls.

The programming interface of the ExecutionManager component is described in the article titled "ExecutionManager component".

ExecutionManager component usage scenario

Hereinafter "the client" refers to the application that uses the ExecutionManager component API to manage other applications.

The typical usage scenario for the ExecutionManager component includes the following steps:

  1. Add the ExecutionManager program to a solution. To add ExecutionManager to a solution:

    find_package (execution_manager REQUIRED)

    include_directories (${execution_manager_INCLUDE})

    add_subdirectory (execution_manager)

    The BlobContainer program is required for the ExecutionManager program to work properly. This program is automatically added to a solution when adding ExecutionManager.

    • The ExecutionManager component is provided in the SDK as a set of static libraries and header files, and is built for a specific solution by using the CMake command create_execution_manager_entity() from the CMake library execution_manager.

      To build the ExecutionManager program, create a directory named execution_manager in the root directory of the project. In the new directory, create a CMakeLists.txt file containing the create_execution_manager_entity() command.

      The CMake command create_execution_manager_entity() takes the following parameters:

      Mandatory ENTITY parameter that specifies the name of the executable file for the ExecutionManager program.

      Optional parameters:

      • DEPENDS – additional dependencies for building the ExecutionManager program.
      • MAIN_CONN_NAME – name of the IPC channel for connecting to the ExecutionManager process. It must match the value of the mainConnection variable when calling the ExecutionManager API in the client code.
      • ROOT_PATH – path to the root directory for service files of the ExecutionManager program. The default root path is "/ROOT".
      • VFS_CLIENT_LIB – name of the client transport library used to connect the ExecutionManager program to the VFS program.

    include (execution_manager/create_execution_manager_entity)


    ENTITY ExecMgrEntity


    ROOT_PATH "/root"


    • When building a solution (CMakeLists.txt file for the Einit program), add the following executable files to the solution image:
      • Executable file of the ExecutionManager program
      • Executable file of the BlobContainer program
  2. Link the client executable file to the client proxy library of ExecutionManager by adding the following command to the CMakeLists.txt file for building the client:

    target_link_libraries (<name of the CMake target for building the client> ${execution_manager_EXECMGR_PROXY})

  3. Add permissions for the necessary events to the solution security policy description:
    1. To enable the ExecutionManager program to run other processes, the solution security policy must allow the following interactions for the execution_manager.ExecMgrEntity process class:
      • Security events of the execute type for all classes of processes that will be run.
      • Access to all endpoints of the VFS program.
      • Access to all endpoints of the BlobContainer program.
      • Access to the core endpoints Sync, Task, VMM, Thread, HAL, Handle, FS, Notice, CM and Profiler (their descriptions are located in the directory sysroot-*-kos/include/kl/core from the SDK).
    2. To enable a client to call the ExecutionManager program, the solution security policy must allow the following interactions for the client process class:
      • Access to the appropriate endpoints of the ExecutionManager program (their descriptions are located in the directory sysroot-*-kos/include/kl/execution_manager from the SDK).
  4. Use of the ExecutionManager program API in the client code.

    Use the header file component/package_manager/kos_ipc/package_manager_proxy.h for this. For more details, refer to "ExecutionManager component".

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