Notifications endpoint

This endpoint is intended for working with notifications about events that occur with resources.

Information about methods of the endpoint is provided in the table below.

Methods of the notice.Notice endpoint (kl.core.Notice interface)


Method purpose and parameters

Potential danger of the method



Creates a notification receiver.


  • [out] notify – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the notification receiver.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Allows the kernel memory to be used up by creating a multitude of objects within it.



Adds a "resource–event mask" entry to the notification receiver so that it can receive notifications about events that occur with the defined resource and match the defined event mask.


  • [in] notify – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the notification receiver.
  • [in] object – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the resource.
  • [in] evMask – event mask.
  • [in] evId – ID of the "resource–event mask" entry.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Allows the kernel memory to be used up by creating a multitude of objects within it.



Removes from the notification receiver "resource—event mask" entries with the specified identifier to prevent the receiver from getting notifications about events that match these entries.


  • [in] notify – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the notification receiver.
  • [in] evId – ID of the "resource–event mask" entry.
  • [out] rc – return code.




Removes from the notification receiver "resource—event mask" entries that match the specified resource to prevent the receiver from getting notifications about events that match these entries.


  • [in] notify – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the notification receiver.
  • [in] object – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the resource.
  • [out] rc – return code.




Extracts notifications from the receiver.


  • [in] notify – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the notification receiver.
  • [in] mdelay – timeout for notifications to appear in the receiver, in milliseconds.
  • [out] events – sequence of notifications comprised of structures containing a "resource–event mask" entry ID and a mask of events occurring with the resource.
  • [out] rc – return code.




Removes from the specified notification receiver all "resource—event mask" entries, resumes all threads waiting for notifications to appear in the specified receiver; optionally prohibits adding of "resource—event mask" entries to the specified notification receiver.


  • [in] notify – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the notification receiver.
  • [in] finish – value defining whether or not the addition of "resource–event mask" entries will be prohibited (0 – will not be prohibited, 1 – will be prohibited).
  • [out] rc – return code.




Signals that events from the defined event mask occurred with the defined user resource.


  • [in] object – value whose binary representation consists of multiple fields, including a handle field and a handle permissions mask field. The handle identifies the user resource.
  • [in] evMask – mask of events to be signaled.
  • [out] rc – return code.


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