PSL language syntax

Basic rules

  1. Declarations can be listed in any sequence in a file.
  2. One declaration can be written to one or multiple lines.
  3. The PSL language is case sensitive.
  4. Single-line comments and multi-line comments are supported:

    /* This is a comment

    * And this, too */

    // Another comment

Types of declarations

The PSL language has declarations for the following purposes:

In this section

Setting the global parameters of a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy

Including PSL files in a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy description

Including EDL files in a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy description

Creating security model objects

Binding methods of security models to security events

Creating security audit profiles

Creating and performing tests for a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy

PSL data types

Examples of binding security model methods to security events

Example descriptions of basic security policies for KasperskyOS-based solutions

Examples of security audit profiles

Examples of tests for KasperskyOS-based solution security policies

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