Example generation of transport methods and types

When building a solution, the NK compiler uses the EDL, CDL and IDL descriptions to generate a set of special methods and types that simplify the creation, forwarding, receipt and processing of IPC messages.

As an example, we will examine the Server process class that provides the FS endpoint, which contains a single Open() method:


entity Server

/* OpsComp is the named instance of the Operations component */

components {

OpsComp: Operations



component Operations

/* FS is the local name of the endpoint implementing the Filesystem interface */

endpoints {

FS: Filesystem



package Filesystem

interface {

Open(in string<256> name, out UInt32 h);


These descriptions will be used to generate the files named Server.edl.h, Operations.cdl.h, and Filesystem.idl.h, which contain the following methods and types:

Methods and types that are common to the client and server

Methods and types used only on the client

Methods and types used only on the server

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