Building the examples

The examples are built using the CMake build system that is included in KasperskyOS Community Edition.

The code of the examples and build scripts are available at the following path:


You need to build the examples in a directory in which you have write access, such as the home directory.

Building the examples to run on QEMU

To build an example, go to the directory with the example and run this command:

$ ./

Running the script creates a KasperskyOS-based solution image that includes the example, and initiates startup of the example in QEMU. The kos-qemu-image solution image is located in the <name of example>/build/einit directory.

Building the examples to run on Raspberry Pi 4 B

To build an example, go to the directory with the example and run this command:

$ ./ --target {kos-image|sd-image}

The type of image that is created by the script depends on the value that you choose for the target parameter:

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