Revoking handles

A process can revoke descendants of a handle that it owns. Handles are revoked according to the handle inheritance tree.

Revoked handles are not closed. However, you cannot query resources via revoked handles. Any function that receives the handle will end with the rcHandleRevoked error if the function is called with a revoked handle.

To revoke handle descendants, call the KnHandleRevoke() or KnHandleRevokeSubtree() function. The KnHandleRevokeSubtree() function uses the resource transfer context object that is created when transferring handles.

If each handle of a system resource in all processes that own these handles are closed (see "Closing handles") or revoked, this system resource will be deleted.

Information about API functions is provided in the table below.

handle_api.h functions


Information about the function



Closes a handle and revokes its descendants.


  • [in] handle – a handle.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.



Revokes the handles that make up the inheritance subtree of the specified handle.


  • [in] handle – a handle. The handles forming the inheritance subtree of this handle are revoked.
  • [in] badge – handle that identifies the resource transfer context object, which defines the inheritance subtree of the handles to revoke. The root node of this subtree is the handle that was generated by the transfer or duplication of the handle that is defined through the handle parameter and is associated with the resource transfer context object.

Returned values

If successful, the function returns rcOk, otherwise it returns an error code.

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